In nature the attraction between mates is determined by a philosophy of survival of the fittest. The mate that is chosen is the one that is most likely to breed strong, healthy offspring. In many animal societies the alpha male will be the only male in the pack, and it will be his job to impregnate the females in order for the species to survive.
Many of the male members of the human world look upon this strange situation with a small touch of wistfulness. What would it be like to have your own harem? What they cannot see is that the alpha male has become the alpha male not by birthright but by having proved over and over again that he is strong enough and intelligent enough to lead the pack-and to keep it.
When the alpha male is challenged by another male for possession of his pack he must fight to keep it or it will be taken away from him. This is, again, to ensure that the species survives; the one who wins the right to be an alpha male is the one most likely to father strong offspring.
Of course, that's all very good for the animal kingdom, but how does this pertain to the human world? Simple. Humans have their alpha males too, the criteria by which they are classified is just a bit different. There are many different ways by which a male can be classified as alpha.
- The powerful alpha. This is the man who wields the most power, both in their place of business and among their community of friends. Women who are attracted to this type of alpha have probably fixed their sites on a business tycoon or a politician, if not royalty. These women want position and the power that it brings.
- The intellectual alpha. These are the men who are able to provide brilliant dissertations on any topic. These will probably go forth to receive PhDs and save the world. Most of these will be found spending their lives in their offices or laboratories working side by side with their mates.
- The military alpha. Women love a man in uniform, and the more bars and stripes he happens to be sporting the better. These men have power, a sense of adventure and incredible stories to tell over the dinner table (assuming, of course, that the majority of the conversations they have about their lives do not contain the words, "That's classified"). Their mates can also count on them to be out of the country for the better part of the year so that a livable harmony never has to be developed.
- The "bad boy" alpha. This alpha takes many forms. He may be military or law enforcement-black ops or undercover, of course. He will have a shady past that he never reveals and at least one criminal element has issued a price on his head. He will wear black and not converse a great deal, assuming that the women he is with will know what it is that he wants.
- The artistic alpha. This will be the man who sells his paintings in a downtown museum but has had showings in Italy and France. He will have a small cottage on the beach and he and whoever his lady of the moment is will spend their days (and nights) home eating strawberries dipped in chocolate and reciting poetry to each other.
Sound familiar? Every man in the world has known someone who fits into one of these categories and every woman has wanted to date one. They are the few, the proud, the alpha males.
Until next time.
Jack Reed
Tuesday, 19 August 2008
Sunday, 10 August 2008
The Law of Attraction and Your Body
The Law of Attraction has worked for many people who sought to gain financial freedom. It has helped many to experience fuller lives through better relationships. The Law of Attraction can also have a profound affect on your body.
Think first of how the Law of Attraction works. You are made up of energy and the energy you send out is positive or negative. This will depend upon whether you focus on the good things in life or the bad.
Think first of how the Law of Attraction works. You are made up of energy and the energy you send out is positive or negative. This will depend upon whether you focus on the good things in life or the bad.
This will not only affect others, but it will affect you as well. If you want to send out positive energy, you will want to concentrate on the upbeat things in your life. One way to use the Law of Attraction to do this is visualization.
Athletes use a form of seeing what future actions will hold. This technique is called Visual Motor Rehearsal. These athletes are practicing the Law of Attraction. They can be hooked up to all kinds of monitors and then practice an athletic event in their minds.
The monitors will show that their muscles obey their thoughts even though they are not being actively used. Then, when it comes time to actually do the activity, they are very much prepared. This is the Law of Attraction.
With the Law of Attraction, you can feel the reality of your plans and dreams coming true. This can be done in the same way as the athletes do it, by visualization. This can help you with a physical task you are about to undertake.
You might be planning to climb Mt. Everest or simply swim your first lap around the pool. If you can use the Law of Attraction to visualize it and believe the results, you can make it happen. Your positive feelings about accomplishing a difficult undertaking will come back to you in the form of positive energy for you.
The Law of Attraction has also been used for healing. No one suggests that medicine should not be used. However, thought among those who lecture and write about the Law of Attraction is that the medicine can be helped immensely by the use of positive energy.
The placebo effect should prove that thinking can influence your health. If people feel good about a medicine they are being given, they will more likely be healed by it. This is true whether the medicine is a highly developed scientific formula or a sugar pill.
Some conditions require much treatment and medication. People with these conditions often get depressed or discouraged. If they can keep their focus on positive things, they have a better chance of survival. Knowing the Law of Attraction can help them to do this.
Part of using the Law of Attraction to heal is to visualize the process of getting better. As you come to believe you are getting better, it turns out that you actually do. Another way to use the Law of Attraction is to dwell on the good by surrounding yourself with things you enjoy. This will keep the focus on the positive energy.
The Law of Attraction is not only good for your wallet. It can help other aspects of your life, too. If you have a physical challenge to overcome, the Law of Attraction can help you.
Until next time,
Jack Reed
Sorry for the Delay!
Just wanted to let you all know I'm still around and I havent forgotten you guys!
Not long got back from a holiday with the guys, and I have been trying out my findings with great success if I do say so myself! :o)
I found it so easy to approach some really attractive women, have a laugh and even close with a kiss and a number!
I've been helping my friends out by showing them a preview of my new product coming soon and even they were enjoying the attention on holiday - and that was only the first draft of the product!
It's an exciting yet busy time what with finalising the product ready for release - it's gonna be great. A lot of hard work has gone into bringing you the best information I could gather from real women.
I'll keep you posted about the launch so you can grab it at a bargain - post launch special price. Judging by the buzz thats been going around about the release I won't be able to keep it at that special price for long.
I'll be posting another article in a few minutes, so keep your eyes peeled.
Not long got back from a holiday with the guys, and I have been trying out my findings with great success if I do say so myself! :o)
I found it so easy to approach some really attractive women, have a laugh and even close with a kiss and a number!
I've been helping my friends out by showing them a preview of my new product coming soon and even they were enjoying the attention on holiday - and that was only the first draft of the product!
It's an exciting yet busy time what with finalising the product ready for release - it's gonna be great. A lot of hard work has gone into bringing you the best information I could gather from real women.
I'll keep you posted about the launch so you can grab it at a bargain - post launch special price. Judging by the buzz thats been going around about the release I won't be able to keep it at that special price for long.
I'll be posting another article in a few minutes, so keep your eyes peeled.
Monday, 28 July 2008
The Science of Attraction Between Men and Women
Have you ever wondered what it was that attracted a man to a woman, or vice versa? What it is about one specific individual that seems to make them irresistible to the opposite sex?
Why, when everyone else is sitting home on a Friday night, they can have three dates with plans for breakfast the next morning? There are a number of different factors to be considered, but let us first take a look at the core of the situation: the science of attraction.
The central component in the selection of a mate lies in the evolutionary need to continue the species. In the wild mates that were weak and unable to stand against the elements would produce weak offspring who might not be able to survive the harsh environment they would be thrust into; that is, of course, assuming they survived to adulthood themselves.
The inability of their offspring to survive would lead to the end of the species; therefore, they were rarely chosen by members of the opposite sex for reproductive purposes.
On the other hand, strong mates would breed strong offspring. It was primarily the males and females who had proved themselves in battle that attracted the greatest number of possible mates; they would then choose from the strongest of those, and Mother Nature's endless circle would go on, with genetics ensuring that their children were given the best opportunity to make a start in life.
This is the reason that physically fit individuals receive the most attention from member of the opposite sex; it is an inbred attraction to those that are considered to be the most able physically to survive in their environment.
Strength and survival of the fittest aside there is also the matter of pheromones. Pheromones are chemically secreted molecules that are produced and carried through an airborne route, causing an incredible sexual response in animals.
The belief is that it allowed the animal to locate a mate with whom they would have the greatest likelihood of producing an offspring with a strong immune system.
It was previously believed that humans had lost the ability to be attracted by pheromones; however, recent studies have shown that this may not necessarily be the case. A great deal of research in the role that pheromones play in human attraction is not yet available, as it is still a matter of speculation.
The bottom line is that all scientific evidence pertaining to the attraction of one human to another lies in the potential to produce strong offspring. Pheromones will grant a child the best possible combination of immune systems to guarantee their well being.
Physical attraction guarantees that the child will have the best chance of physically surviving to grow to adulthood.
All in all, the scientific evidence present to support the baseline upon which all human attraction is based would appear to support the theory of survival of the fittest.
Until next time...
Jack Reed
Why, when everyone else is sitting home on a Friday night, they can have three dates with plans for breakfast the next morning? There are a number of different factors to be considered, but let us first take a look at the core of the situation: the science of attraction.
The central component in the selection of a mate lies in the evolutionary need to continue the species. In the wild mates that were weak and unable to stand against the elements would produce weak offspring who might not be able to survive the harsh environment they would be thrust into; that is, of course, assuming they survived to adulthood themselves.
The inability of their offspring to survive would lead to the end of the species; therefore, they were rarely chosen by members of the opposite sex for reproductive purposes.
On the other hand, strong mates would breed strong offspring. It was primarily the males and females who had proved themselves in battle that attracted the greatest number of possible mates; they would then choose from the strongest of those, and Mother Nature's endless circle would go on, with genetics ensuring that their children were given the best opportunity to make a start in life.
This is the reason that physically fit individuals receive the most attention from member of the opposite sex; it is an inbred attraction to those that are considered to be the most able physically to survive in their environment.
Strength and survival of the fittest aside there is also the matter of pheromones. Pheromones are chemically secreted molecules that are produced and carried through an airborne route, causing an incredible sexual response in animals.
The belief is that it allowed the animal to locate a mate with whom they would have the greatest likelihood of producing an offspring with a strong immune system.
It was previously believed that humans had lost the ability to be attracted by pheromones; however, recent studies have shown that this may not necessarily be the case. A great deal of research in the role that pheromones play in human attraction is not yet available, as it is still a matter of speculation.
The bottom line is that all scientific evidence pertaining to the attraction of one human to another lies in the potential to produce strong offspring. Pheromones will grant a child the best possible combination of immune systems to guarantee their well being.
Physical attraction guarantees that the child will have the best chance of physically surviving to grow to adulthood.
All in all, the scientific evidence present to support the baseline upon which all human attraction is based would appear to support the theory of survival of the fittest.
Until next time...
Jack Reed
Saturday, 19 July 2008
Dress for Success - How You Dress Has a Huge Impact
Appearance is the key factor in attracting others to you. Shallow, but true. The first impression anyone will ever make about you is based upon your appearance, and your appearance is determined in large by the type of clothing that you wear. Your clothing should give the impression both of who you are and who you want to be.
The most important part of using your appearance to create a positive first impression is to appear clean and neat. No one is attracted to a slob; a lack of attention to self is often indicative to a general apathy with regards to other people and life in general. In addition, keep in mind that members of the opposite sex are most attracted to the individuals that they believe to be at the top of the metaphorical food chain. Needless to say, no one is going to believe that you are at the top of the food chain if you look like you cannot get yourself dressed without your mother's assistance.
Your clothes should be clean, neat and properly fit in order to present the image of yourself as someone who cares about themselves and their belongings-and by default, the people that are around them (after all, you can care about yourself and not care about those around you, but it is very rare to care about those around you and not care a bit about yourself.)
This should by no means be taken to mean that you have to spend a small fortune on a wardrobe or take three hours getting dressed in the morning in order to ensure that you have the appearance of a runway model every time that you leave your home. That is impractical and does not allow the essence of your own personality to shine through. It is possible to attract the attention of the opposite sex in comfortable clothes, and for most people jeans and sweatshirts are much more comfortable for daily wear than their dress clothes. It is merely important to assure that these clothes do not make you appear to care more about comfort than you do about how you look.
If you are unsure about how to take your own taste in clothes and use it to maximize your appearance there are a wide assortment of resources at your disposal. Sales clerks, particularly of retail establishments that only deal in clothing, are trained to have a good eye for the size, color and style that will do the most to enhance their customer's appearance. Most people do not truly know what looks good on them, and what seems appealing in the store dressing room often loses its appeal when it is placed in ordinary circumstances.
There is never a second chance to make a first impression, and if that first impression is a negative one you are likely to have a great deal of difficulty in convincing the object of your affection to reconsider; therefore, the best thing you can do is make sure that you have taken all possible measures to ensure that you place your best foot forward when stepping into the dating pool.
Remember, learning how to approach women, has many aspects and dressing correctly will help give you that natural confidence and advantage over many other guys out there.
Until next time,
Jack Reed
The most important part of using your appearance to create a positive first impression is to appear clean and neat. No one is attracted to a slob; a lack of attention to self is often indicative to a general apathy with regards to other people and life in general. In addition, keep in mind that members of the opposite sex are most attracted to the individuals that they believe to be at the top of the metaphorical food chain. Needless to say, no one is going to believe that you are at the top of the food chain if you look like you cannot get yourself dressed without your mother's assistance.
Your clothes should be clean, neat and properly fit in order to present the image of yourself as someone who cares about themselves and their belongings-and by default, the people that are around them (after all, you can care about yourself and not care about those around you, but it is very rare to care about those around you and not care a bit about yourself.)
This should by no means be taken to mean that you have to spend a small fortune on a wardrobe or take three hours getting dressed in the morning in order to ensure that you have the appearance of a runway model every time that you leave your home. That is impractical and does not allow the essence of your own personality to shine through. It is possible to attract the attention of the opposite sex in comfortable clothes, and for most people jeans and sweatshirts are much more comfortable for daily wear than their dress clothes. It is merely important to assure that these clothes do not make you appear to care more about comfort than you do about how you look.
If you are unsure about how to take your own taste in clothes and use it to maximize your appearance there are a wide assortment of resources at your disposal. Sales clerks, particularly of retail establishments that only deal in clothing, are trained to have a good eye for the size, color and style that will do the most to enhance their customer's appearance. Most people do not truly know what looks good on them, and what seems appealing in the store dressing room often loses its appeal when it is placed in ordinary circumstances.
There is never a second chance to make a first impression, and if that first impression is a negative one you are likely to have a great deal of difficulty in convincing the object of your affection to reconsider; therefore, the best thing you can do is make sure that you have taken all possible measures to ensure that you place your best foot forward when stepping into the dating pool.
Remember, learning how to approach women, has many aspects and dressing correctly will help give you that natural confidence and advantage over many other guys out there.
Until next time,
Jack Reed
Sunday, 13 July 2008
Basic Law of Attraction Concepts
Next up, I'll be giving you an idea of some of the basic laws of attraction. This theory has been written about many times, you only have to know how to apply it. A few basic concepts of the Law of Attraction can help you on your way.
One of the concepts central to the Law of Attraction is that the things you think become reality. The things you think are energy, just as the entire universe is energy. As you ponder your reality, or simply let thoughts run through your mind, you are shaping your reality. You do this by means of the Law of Attraction. The energy you send out collects with like energy. Then, the universe responds to your feelings by returning the energy back to you.This happens for good or bad feelings.
Another basic concept is that it is too difficult to monitor every one of some 60,000 thoughts you have every day. The goal, instead, should be to foster a feeling of happiness, gratitude, and well-being. This will go further than trying to change every thought individually. Feelings are important to the Law of Attraction.
One assumption of users of the Law of Attraction is that life is meant to be joyous and fulfilling. Many people feel that their lives can be no more than difficult work situations, unhappy relationships, poor health, and a mountain of debt.
Unless these people change their attitudes, they can never know the abundance they can get through the Law of Attraction.
There can never be a lack of anything that you want if you follow the Law of Attraction. This is another concept of the movement. It means that there is enough for everyone to have what they want. This is especially true because some people want certain things and other people want something else.
According to the Law of Attraction, what you want is always possible. One concept of the Law of Attraction can be stated as something like, "what you get is what you see." What this means in this case is that when you see a result, you will vibrate with energy based on that result. If you see good, you will send out good energy.
This energy will return to you in the form of more positive results. So, if you want positive results, you need to find a way to see the good in situations. This is how the Law of Attraction works. If you see good, more good will return to you. The concept of asking for particular things is a part of the Law of Attraction. When you command the universe to give you what you want, you can get it. To do this, you must believe in it. Then, you must accept it as if you had already gotten it. Then you will find the Law of Attraction bringing all kinds of good things your way.
The Law of Attraction is at once both simple and complex. You must only ask and receive. Yet, to do that in confidence, you must work to restructure your whole way of thinking. To do this it is good to study the concepts of the Law of Attraction.
By taking these thoughts into consideration - not just for how to approach women, but for all your life, you will be able to weald a power that is so subtle, yet so very effective.
Gain confidence in yourself, be happy within and this will show and dramtically increase your chances of attracting women.
Until next time,
One of the concepts central to the Law of Attraction is that the things you think become reality. The things you think are energy, just as the entire universe is energy. As you ponder your reality, or simply let thoughts run through your mind, you are shaping your reality. You do this by means of the Law of Attraction. The energy you send out collects with like energy. Then, the universe responds to your feelings by returning the energy back to you.This happens for good or bad feelings.
Another basic concept is that it is too difficult to monitor every one of some 60,000 thoughts you have every day. The goal, instead, should be to foster a feeling of happiness, gratitude, and well-being. This will go further than trying to change every thought individually. Feelings are important to the Law of Attraction.
One assumption of users of the Law of Attraction is that life is meant to be joyous and fulfilling. Many people feel that their lives can be no more than difficult work situations, unhappy relationships, poor health, and a mountain of debt.
Unless these people change their attitudes, they can never know the abundance they can get through the Law of Attraction.
There can never be a lack of anything that you want if you follow the Law of Attraction. This is another concept of the movement. It means that there is enough for everyone to have what they want. This is especially true because some people want certain things and other people want something else.
According to the Law of Attraction, what you want is always possible. One concept of the Law of Attraction can be stated as something like, "what you get is what you see." What this means in this case is that when you see a result, you will vibrate with energy based on that result. If you see good, you will send out good energy.
This energy will return to you in the form of more positive results. So, if you want positive results, you need to find a way to see the good in situations. This is how the Law of Attraction works. If you see good, more good will return to you. The concept of asking for particular things is a part of the Law of Attraction. When you command the universe to give you what you want, you can get it. To do this, you must believe in it. Then, you must accept it as if you had already gotten it. Then you will find the Law of Attraction bringing all kinds of good things your way.
The Law of Attraction is at once both simple and complex. You must only ask and receive. Yet, to do that in confidence, you must work to restructure your whole way of thinking. To do this it is good to study the concepts of the Law of Attraction.
By taking these thoughts into consideration - not just for how to approach women, but for all your life, you will be able to weald a power that is so subtle, yet so very effective.
Gain confidence in yourself, be happy within and this will show and dramtically increase your chances of attracting women.
Until next time,
Jack Reed
Thursday, 10 July 2008
The Laws of Attraction Part I
An Introduction
The art of approaching women can be likened to most things in life - it takes practice.
Every game in life has rules. In soccer you cannot use your hands. You cannot peak at your opponent's hand in poker. You cannot look in the dictionary when you play Scrabble. Each and every one of these rules is considered to be set in stone, yet each rule has a condition under which it may be broken.
How to approach women is much the same. There are an established set of rules for capturing the attention of the person you've seen out on the street, or at the shop and what to do with them once you have them. These rules are all iron clad, yet each has a condition under which they can be broken.
How to approach women is much the same. There are an established set of rules for capturing the attention of the person you've seen out on the street, or at the shop and what to do with them once you have them. These rules are all iron clad, yet each has a condition under which they can be broken.
Not all of these rules are available to the general public; some are general knowledge and some are only known by the individuals to whom they belong to.
Before attempting to enter the scene, you need to learn, study and digest a lot of information - so prepare to dedicate a lot of time and effort. I promise the results will be worth it.
The laws of attraction are based primarily on a principal of supply and demand. If there is a large supply of mates the laws of attraction are firmly in effect; after all, each individual can afford to be a bit more choosy when selecting their particular companion.
If there is a low supply of mates the demand will be high, and the laws of attraction will allow for a bit more leeway; after all, if a mate cannot be found than the species will eventually die off (the "last man on earth" philosophy; rest assured that if you were really the last man on earth she would be happy to date you).
The theory of supply and demand is visible throughout all walks of life. It is exclusive to none. This is seen throughout the animal kingdom, the insect kingdom, among the birds and the bees and the fish.
Each species has a particular criteria by which they judge their mates, and each criteria has an exception. Throughout the animal kingdoms it is generally a matter of a lack of mates, as was illustrated in the principal of supply and demand.
Throughout this blog I will be touching on the various laws of attraction - and how to get around them.
Until next time,
Jack Reed
Wednesday, 9 July 2008
Art of Approaching Women - Introduction
Hi - I'm Jack Reed and welcome to my blog on how to approach women.
This blog is going to be giving you all an insight to the world of approaching women. My aim is to help as many of you guys as possible and to show you it's not some big mystery.
So why me? Well, let me tell you a bit about myself... My name is Jack and I'm 26 years old and have been enjoying my "new life" ever since discovering that talking to any woman I want, wasn't so hard after all.
You see, I started out pretty much like you - completely mystified as to why certain guys had all the "luck" when it came to approaching women. Were they just better looking? Is that what it is all about?
I considered myself a fairly average guy - but that was it, just average. I struggled to find ways of getting girls to notice me.
Needless to say, I didn't have much luck through my school and college years, but that changed about 2 years ago...
I studied and studied, and studied until I could read no more. I also practised my findings. To begin with I crashed and burned, but I knew that I had to improve.
So, with my findings, I decided to help make this information accessible to the masses. Over this blog, you will start to see some great free tips on how to approach women. I'm thinking of it like my mission.
In the mean time, I'm putting some finishing touches to my new project and would love to hear from you. Why don't you head on over and ask for ways to approach women?
Until the next post - (probably tomorrow), I look forward to hearing your questions and I will enjoy answering them!
Keep tuned in!
All the best,
Jack Reed
This blog is going to be giving you all an insight to the world of approaching women. My aim is to help as many of you guys as possible and to show you it's not some big mystery.
So why me? Well, let me tell you a bit about myself... My name is Jack and I'm 26 years old and have been enjoying my "new life" ever since discovering that talking to any woman I want, wasn't so hard after all.
You see, I started out pretty much like you - completely mystified as to why certain guys had all the "luck" when it came to approaching women. Were they just better looking? Is that what it is all about?
I considered myself a fairly average guy - but that was it, just average. I struggled to find ways of getting girls to notice me.
Needless to say, I didn't have much luck through my school and college years, but that changed about 2 years ago...
I studied and studied, and studied until I could read no more. I also practised my findings. To begin with I crashed and burned, but I knew that I had to improve.
So, with my findings, I decided to help make this information accessible to the masses. Over this blog, you will start to see some great free tips on how to approach women. I'm thinking of it like my mission.
In the mean time, I'm putting some finishing touches to my new project and would love to hear from you. Why don't you head on over and ask for ways to approach women?
Until the next post - (probably tomorrow), I look forward to hearing your questions and I will enjoy answering them!
Keep tuned in!
All the best,
Jack Reed
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