How to Approach Women | Learn The Art of Approaching Women with Jack Reed

Approaching women can be hard. I want to educate you and give you all the advice I have gathered over the years and let you into the world of approaching women with ease.

Thursday, 10 July 2008

The Laws of Attraction Part I

An Introduction

The art of approaching women can be likened to most things in life - it takes practice.

Every game in life has rules. In soccer you cannot use your hands. You cannot peak at your opponent's hand in poker. You cannot look in the dictionary when you play Scrabble. Each and every one of these rules is considered to be set in stone, yet each rule has a condition under which it may be broken.

How to approach women is much the same. There are an established set of rules for capturing the attention of the person you've seen out on the street, or at the shop and what to do with them once you have them. These rules are all iron clad, yet each has a condition under which they can be broken.

Not all of these rules are available to the general public; some are general knowledge and some are only known by the individuals to whom they belong to.

Before attempting to enter the scene, you need to learn, study and digest a lot of information - so prepare to dedicate a lot of time and effort. I promise the results will be worth it.

The laws of attraction are based primarily on a principal of supply and demand. If there is a large supply of mates the laws of attraction are firmly in effect; after all, each individual can afford to be a bit more choosy when selecting their particular companion.

If there is a low supply of mates the demand will be high, and the laws of attraction will allow for a bit more leeway; after all, if a mate cannot be found than the species will eventually die off (the "last man on earth" philosophy; rest assured that if you were really the last man on earth she would be happy to date you).

The theory of supply and demand is visible throughout all walks of life. It is exclusive to none. This is seen throughout the animal kingdom, the insect kingdom, among the birds and the bees and the fish.

Each species has a particular criteria by which they judge their mates, and each criteria has an exception. Throughout the animal kingdoms it is generally a matter of a lack of mates, as was illustrated in the principal of supply and demand.

Throughout this blog I will be touching on the various laws of attraction - and how to get around them.

So, keep tuned in to this blog to learn whats needed in order to approach women successfully.

Until next time,

Jack Reed

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